Powell Family

Powell Family

Thursday, August 26, 2010

My Story of Grace?

One of the things in my life which I hope has become more obvious is my faith in Christ. The question that is usually out there, but rarely asked, is why the change. For anyone who calls themselves a Christian, the answer to "why" after you have accepted Christ is easy. The real question is, "How did I get to the point where I figured out I needed Christ".  That is the question which produces, "A Grace Story". The definition, "Though not in wikpedia" of a Grace Story, is the story of your life in which you went from not knowing Christ to having a personal relationship with him. Most people will tell you, "My Grace Story". The fact of the matter is that no individual person on this earth has enough grace through there own power to produce a life changing story. The Grace Story is Christ's Story through your life. The only involvement we have is accepting the truth of his grace and then getting out of his way. The Grace Story you are about to read is one in which I got out of Christ's way and said, " I don't know what to do please help."

October 7, 2007 Cameron James Powell was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Looking back, that was the most life changing day of my life. By October 7, 2007, I have been married for a little over 9 years, I have a daughter who will be turning 5 years old, and I am 34 years old. None of those previous events changed my life like having the feeling of my only son being diagnosed with a disease that could keep him from being all he can be, or all I thought he should be. For the next several months I continued to ask the question why. Why my son, why was God punishing my son because of my sin. What did Cameron ever do to deserve this. If you have a child with a disease which keeps them from being "normal" you have likely asked the same questions I have.
I spent allot of time running and biking. It was a way for me to get out of the house and not face the fact our family was different. I would bike around the neighborhood and FGCU, the local University. My daughter and I started attending McGregor Baptist Church. This was a desperate attempt of myself to try and get some religion in my life, thinking that if a religiously educated man preached to me maybe I wouldn't feel so bad about Autism. It didn't work. Then one day biking through FGCU I noticed a sign "Summit Church". I wonder what that is. I remember coming home to Kelly and telling her, "I found a church that is a lot closer to the house than McGregor". The biggest excitement about this church for me at this time, it was a much closer drive. So one Sunday Hannah and I went to Summit Church. We arrived at the upstairs of the University Commons building when we were met by people who helped me get Hannah into the childcare area "Big Enough". I then went in the area for the morning sermon. Jordan Stinziano was teaching. I sat and listened to Jordan for about 30 minutes. I was blown away. How can a guy my age have such a knowledge of Christ and make it sound cool. Everybody I had listened to in the past was older and taught in a manner that was more preachy rather than informative. After the sermon I thought wow, this place is great, and then Jordan announced that his wife Maggie and his family would be leaving Summit to move to Syracuse and start Misio Church. What? God, why am I here if you're having Jordan now leave.
A couple of more services go by and most of the teaching is good, not as mind blowing as Jordan, but good. September of 2008 Summit Church moved in to it's own building on Ben Hill Griffin. So Hannah and I moved into the building with Summit Church. At this time Kelly and Cameron are staying home. Kelly and I are not quite sure of how anyone is going to be able to take care of Cameron at the church. I mean he has Autism, surely we are going to be stuck in the house forever and never be able to socialize.
September 28, 2008. A young Latin guy is teaching at Summit Church this morning. His name is Orlando Cabrera, sounds like a baseball player. He gives a sermon about something that I can't even remember. The one thing I do remember is he told the congregation that he was 35 years old. Wait, I am 35 years old. He has a 3 year old son who has Autism. I have a 3 year old son with Autism. A that moment I knew I would never be alone in my journey with Autism. For the next year I spent allot of time trying to get more information. I went to Summit every Sunday, I had lunch with Orlando as often as I could, I tried to engage anybody that I thought could give me knowledge about Jesus and how my life was suppose to work considering my family deals with Autism. From this point on I am just trying to learn more about Christ and expose myself to the Autism Community. From the time of September 28, 2008 to today my walk with Christ has been just that a "WALK WITH CHRIST" I am not sitting and waiting for him to show up and do something. I am not sitting in self pity wondering why, at least not anymore.
Christ knew what was going to happen to our family, he knew what I would need to shake up my life and get my attention, he knew what I would need to get me to come back to him, and he knows what I need everyday to continue to educate me and bring me closer to him.
Back to title of this Blog, My Grace Story? After reading this you might be wondering why is there a question mark after "My Grace Story". Here is the best answer I can give you. I don't believe this is my grace story. Like I said in the beginning, the story of grace is, the grace Christ provide us and the story is exposed as we surrender and get out of his way. So, this isn't my grace story, this is Christ grace story told through me. You may ask, how can someone become so engulfed in Christ and be ok with a son having Autism. I even asked my self the question, Why did Christ allow my son to have Autism? I never had an answer to that question until now. The answer is simple. 1 Peter 4:12-19:
"Beloved, do not be suprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ's sufferings, that you may also be glad when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. But let none of you suffer as a murderer or a thief or an evildoer or as a meddler. Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in that name. For it is time for judgement to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God? And "If the righteous is scarcely saved, what will become of the ungodly and the sinner? Therefore, let those who suffer according to God's will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good.
The short version of that answer is simple. God has found me worthy to provide me with a son who has Autism, even though Autism is a trial of my life I find joy in it. I have been given an opportunity by God to join him in the blessing of raising a son with Autisms, so as I suffer in his name his grace will be shown to others. If you have made it to the end of this blog I have only one question.
When you were offered an opportunity to join Christ in his Grace how did you answer?